06 June 2022

My Poem Makes You Feel Good. Iloa Sinulle runoilen (Buy my book)


Hyvä lahjaidea = Excellent gift
Runoja elämästä = Poems about life
Inspiraatiota = Inspiration
Onnitteluja = Congratulations
Osanottoja = Condolences
Muita aiheita = Other topics

Pian valo jo voittaa ja kevätkin koittaa
Ja onnemme kauneinta säveltään soittaa
Ihmisen onni on valosta tehty
Rakkaus kirkkaana loistaa, ei koskaan se ehdy

Don't be afraid
When love comes your way
Sometimes it makes you laugh
And cuts your trouble into half

Päiväsi olkoon suloinen
Kaunis sekä kultainen
Sinäkin olet sellainen
Parhaan päivän kaltainen

Life is full of joy
Sandra has a baby boy
The sweetest little guy on earth
Ever since his birth

Oli elämäsi onnellinen
Elo ylen ihmeellinen
Vaikka loppui elosi aika
Sä muistoissamme elät aina

09 September 2021

How Dare You, God? Sarcastic Profiles and Critical Prayers (Buy my book)

I use SARCASM and humor to discuss Christianity and the Bible.
First, imaginary experts describe the divine brand, each from their own perspective.

Second, imaginary people introduce themselves and reveal their thoughts without any sugar-coating:

The HEROES OF FAITH are struggling with their problems and trying to do their best to follow their god's will according to their own interpretations.
The CHALLENGERS OF FAITH are wondering about god's intentions, and they eventually break free from the yoke of faith.

Third, the prayers are also divided into two groups. In each group, people talk to god with hilarious boldness and radical conclusions:

The FAITHFUL FANATICS are trying to pray humbly, even though they do not always understand the purposes of their god.
The CRITICAL DOUBTERS present harsh criticism against god.


"This is excellent, absolutely hilarious text. I read it nonstop and was howling with laughter alone here at night. Probably I woke up the neighbors. You have certainly surpassed yourself with this work."

"The book proceeds logically in content and structure. The work is like the growth story of a cautious questioner into a categorically arguing religious critic."

04 July 2021

Organizational Poetry is wisdom in an entertaining form. Find inspiration by using the power of poems.

An excellent gift and tool for workgroups, stakeholders and personal reflection.

Let this book inspire your creativity -- either personally or in co-creation with your group!

How could your business bloom
And get out of the gloom?
These rhymes can boost your story
And give it some glory

Poems can give your story a flow
An enchanting glow
Rhymes are easy to recall
They can break the wall

Read these poems in your greetings
In business events and meetings
Use the book as a business gift
It has a magic lift

03 May 2021

From Calvary to Gambrini (Buy my book)

This is a true story of my journey from Calvary to Gambrini, as I remember it from the 1970s and 1980s.

Because I was bullied at school and I often felt very lonely, I needed an imaginary friend. At the age of fifteen, I publicly confessed my faith. I had found the suffering and bleeding Christ crucified on the hill of Calvary. He loved me and managed to save me from my loneliness. I made new dear friends, and life was more exciting. Faith guided my choices in life.

From Calvary, I traveled a long way to Gay Gambrini. I opened its door at the age of 31. For sixteen years, I had denied myself and carried my cross. Now, being myself, I started a new life. I found a new kind of love, and many of my friends changed. What should I think about religion now?

From the reader: "Vivid text and relentless humor. A ruthlessly honest investigation on searching and finding oneself. Never bitter, but, even when criticizing, with a gentle twinkle in the eye. An in-depth and touching journey of life. Thank you for the honor of having been able to take part in your journey and now being included in this story."

07 December 2020

Gods above the Clouds

Daring dames and gallant guys Jump from the clouds and dive through the sky Like birds we bravely fly Where the sun is gold and blue is the sky We like to play in the wonders of freedom We like to play in the wonders of freedom

31 July 2018

Thank you, Mexico!

My Mexican colleagues, so precious and dear
Thank you for making my last academic year 
Immemorial, rewarding and exciting
It was actually very tempting and inviting
To continue our export of education
But, in the end, I resisted the temptation
And decided to retire as of tomorrow
I feel joy, instead of sorrow
But even when we are apart
You are always in my heart
My dear friends in the west
I wish you all the best
Maybe, some way
We will see again some day
My dear students in the west 
I wish you all the best
Even when we are apart
You are always in my heart
 Maybe, some way
We will see again some day

27 July 2018


What can I say?
The bride is hot like her wedding day
So is the lucky handsome guy
We share your happiness under the sunny sky

02 April 2018

Snow Overdose

In March we felt the cold in our bones
In April we have a snow overdose

10 June 2017

Skydiving June 2017

Daring dames and gallant guys
Jump from the heights and dive through the skies

01 January 2017

Happy Seventeen

Goodbye, sweet sixteen
Welcome, happy seventeen

21 December 2016

Winter Solstice

The Tropic of Capricorn has the sun
It sounds like a lot of fun
Here the sun is keeping its profile low
And hiding below
But the inclination of the globe is turning
After six months the sun will be burning
Right above the Tropic of Cancer
Summer is the answer

17 December 2016

Thank You, Jesus! (Warning: sarcasm included)

Thank you, Jesus, for being born
So that we can honk the horn
And tell the people what is right
What is black and what is white

Thank you for forgiving us
And thank you for giving us
The wisdom of human categorisation
According to religious affiliation

Thank you for your virgin birth
As the Son of the Father on this manly earth
For wearing the crown of the male gender
So that the female may surrender

Thank you for coming to our salvation
Keeping us away from the abomination
Of accepting the gays and lesbians
And all kinds of gender freaks and barbarians

Thank you for your human birth
And making us your chosen ones on earth
For your forgiveness we always pray
We blame the people for their sinful way

Thank you, Jesus, for being born
And kindly choosing to die and mourn
So that we can lick your wounds
While the others go to hell from their tombs

Thank you, Jesus!

11 December 2016

Saara, the Northern Light

Dear Saara
You shine like the northern light 
Making the night sky bright  
You know how to fight 
And you soar like a kite 
Your shows are full of delight 
And you sing just right 
❤️ #TheXFactor #XFactorFinal

10 December 2016

Saara, Our Bright Northern Star

Saara, our bright northern star
Will go far
She is the best
In the east and west
❤️❤️ #xfactoruk #TheXFactor #XFactorFinal

09 November 2016

United States of Shame

United States of Shame
You fucked your fame
Don't expect
Much respect
#ElectionDay #Election2016 #ElectionNight

20 August 2016

Mr. Mime

Mr. Mime
Now is mine

13 August 2016


This is Jynx
I wonder what she thinks 

26 July 2016

Skydiving 2016

My sky goddess and I
Had a blast in the sky
First some spinning to start
Then a few seconds apart
On our bellies back together
And sit-flying felt as good as ever
(Photos from Faye Lawson's video)


Hypno came my way
Early today
Trying to hypnotise
And play with my eyes

25 July 2016


Came to see me
And decided to stay
And brighten my day

Don't watch TV
Says Drowzee
Play Pokémon instead
Or stay in bed

Come on, baby
Come get me maybe

24 July 2016

Tame Monsters

The monsters of the Pokémon game
Are easy to tame


Baby, you are beautiful art
You must have a big heart
A sensitive moment on my way
By the river on a summer day

23 July 2016

Cute Monsters

I'm a big fan
Of this cute Nidoran
This pink Clzfairy
Is not scary
This flying Zubat
Is not bad
And this little Eevee
Is so in love with me

22 July 2016

Imaginary Creatures

These imaginary creatures
Have quite friendly features
They may be fictive
And quite addictive
But not bloodthirsty or vindictive


"This Pokéstop is too far away"
I'm already on my way
This game makes us walk
Sometimes we get to talk
There is always someone there
Pretty much everywhere

Visible Imaginary

Now you can test
If your imaginary friends are the best
You can see them with your own eyes
They don't hide behind the skies

20 July 2016


Pocket monsters
These cute little busters
They make us playful
They are so joyful 

Now you can always find
People who are happy and kind
Everywhere you can socialise and say
"Are there many of them here today?"

"What level are you at?"
People proudly reply to that
We are connected by our fad
The Pokémon summer makes us glad

14 July 2016

Hot-air Balloon

I'd like to jump out of a hot-air balloon
Hopefully soon

11 July 2016

Back to the Sky

Coming from the sky and going back
Between the jumps we had to pack

02 July 2016

Helsinki Pride 2016

What a great day again this year
As we marched without fear
To celebrate and cheer

12 June 2016


A kiss
Should be a bliss
Not the reason to die
When a homophobe walks by
"The kiss" - Picture by Giovanni Dall'Orto, August 5 2011.

21 May 2016

Day of Tears

It's another day of tears
Big abundant tears
Laying a friend to rest
With flowers on his chest

Many good times we shared
We laughed and we cared
Our memories will always stay
They will never go away

19 April 2016

That April Night

It felt so natural, so very right
That very special April night
Thirty years ago tonight
 I kissed a guy in the disco light
The first time in my life 
And I spent the night
And many more with my knight
I was finally who I am
And who I am I always was
Even before I understood

18 April 2016

Sweet 16

My super sweet sixteen
If you know what I mean

21 March 2016

Easter Hoax

Dearly beloved folks
Have a happy week of the Easter hoax

20 December 2015

Salvation from Wrath

The Christian Message of Christmas:

I created you, yes I did
Too bad, you're full of shit
So I had Jesus born and killed
To save you from the hell I created
But if you won't believe it
I just can't and won't save you
Although I love you

By the way
I would like to say
Goddess Isis bore Horus on Christmas Day
Long before the other virgin
Produced a solution to our sin
So that a new religion would win

02 December 2015

I Don't Believe

I don't adore
Cthulhu, Zeus or Thor
I don't pray to Afrodite
She's not really right

I don't believe in Spiderman
Or the god of Abraham
I don't trust in fairy-tale creatures
With their fancy far-fetched features

There is no kind of evidence
Of their existence
No-one ever proved them real
Wishful thinking is surreal

It is not necessary
To trust the imaginary
Even if you can't really prove wrong
A five-wing elf bird with a thong

I'm pretty proud to say
I have no kind of faith
In any cults, called religions
Or in their cool or cruel convictions

27 November 2015

17 July 2015

Where? I wonder

So where are the rain and thunder?
I just wonder

04 July 2015


Happy Independence Day
So very gay
Dear USA

30 June 2015

Religious Freedom

Religious freedom

27 June 2015

Helsinki Pride 2015

What a great day
We get to celebrate
Celebrate our love with pride
No more reasons to hide
Thank you, all, for being on our side! ‪

26 June 2015

America, congratulations

America, congratulations, congratulations
For being one of the civilised nations

12 June 2015

Your Life Was Full of Joy

Daring dames and gallant guys
Jump from the heights and dive through the sky
Like a bird you so bravely flew
Where the sky was golden and blue
Like a hawk you were flying in freedom
In the sky gods' most glorious kingdom

You taught your students the skills to fly
To boldly jump and to seize the sky
You made them relax with your cheerful smile
And helped them focus with your sensible style
Your spirit so clearly strengthened their wings
You certainly knew how to do the right things

Of all the places you would ever roam
The drop zone was clearly your dearest home
You bonded so strongly with all your friends
That kind of friendship never ends
Your legacy and your real richness
Was your true never-ending kindness

You traveled the world and the seven skies
You saw so much beauty with your own eyes
You gave to our sport your contribution
For its success and evolution
Worldwide you connected with the others
Bonding with our sisters and brothers

During your dozen flying years
In the splendid skydiving spheres
You took your dreams right into action
You lived so fully to your satisfaction
You found the core, you opened the right door
Who could ever wish for more?

You found love and gave it your hand
And love took you to wonderland
Love you shared, because you cared
For your beloved, you were there
We dearly loved you with all our hearts
From our hearts you will never depart

You chose to be doing what you loved so dearly
What you loved then took you away so fiercely
Your life was rich and full of joy
You were such a happy boy
A big happy heart was beating in your chest
Now in peace, dear Jannu, may you rest

06 June 2015


Dear Jannu, our hero, now fly so high
Fly beyond the starry sky
It's too hard to say goodbye

You are the wind in our sky
You are the drops of our rain
A memory in our minds
The sorrow in our hearts, now filled with pain
A highlight of our cheerful past
You shouldn't have left so fast