21 March 2015


Religion in deed
Fantasy indeed
Reality is near
The biggest fear

The time has finally come for me to say:

I am sorry, World and everyone involved, for imposing my immature religious beliefs on you when I was young. I sincerely apologize.

I and maybe you were victims of religion. The irony of it is that something extremely precious also came out of it.

Still, twenty-nine years after the end of that period, I am finalising my healing process, which you may see in my messages that I am posting to rethink religion.

Thank you and all the best!

1 comment:

Matti said...

Please note that I am not attacking people but, instead, criticising the ancient Bible. I know the book all too well to believe in it.

Christians should probably tear the Old Testament from the New (after god's sudden trick to change everything), but that is not possible. However, I see a really big discrepancy between the two Testaments.

Today, after all, I think very critically of such a blood-sacrifice religion. I myself used to sing many songs of the atonement on Calvary, I went to numerous prayer meetings and Bible studies, preached on the streets, and experienced charismatic gifts. Haha.

In fact, I would never sacrifice and torture my own son on behalf of anyone. I don't think this kind of god image is healthy or appropriate for today. Someone must shed blood, hello! In the past, they sacrificed sheep, then Jesus.

Unfortunately, the world is evil, and evolution is cruel. A loving God would create a world where no animals would have to kill each other in order to actually live. Fortunately there is goodness in us, and I want to see the good and believe in it.

I know how the believers respond, because I used the same arguments for years and years. Really. I know very well what they think. For years and years, I tried to live according to the Bible, and I trusted I was doing so, as far as a person could. I proved to myself, to god and to the community that I am what I am and I cannot change that.

Even if all Christians were to accept homosexuality (as many do), I've seen it all, and I've already found peace outside of religion.

PS: If any victim of religion needs peer support, I am available.